Get quality asphalt shingles for your home from Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, and Delaware counties’ top roofing contractor.

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A Multi-Layer Roof With Great Visual Effect

Nowadays, asphalt shingles are known as one of the most utilized types of roofing out there. Most of that is because of the fact that asphalt roofing is among the least expensive type and the asphalt shingles are affordable as roofing materials.

On top of this, choosing asphalt roofing is easy because there is a wide variety of colors. Visually, the looks from this type of roofing can perfectly tailor your needs and fit any residential project, small home or a sloped roof.

There are two main types of asphalt shingles: organic and fiberglass. While organic asphalt roofing is made up of paper with an asphalt coating (which makes it ‘waterproof’), fiberglass asphalt roofing provides better file protection and is treated with a protective resin coating that converts it into ‘waterproof’ material.

Advantages of Asphalt Roofing

Asphalt shingles are among the most familiar roofing systems for homeowners today. If you are new to asphalt roofing, you should know the advantages of this type:

Easy To Install – Asphalt shingles are easy to install. Some homeowners even decide to install them on their own (DIY). However, the best results come if you use a professional.

Cost-Effective – The cost benefits of asphalt roofing are huge. In an economy that is as volatile as the one nowadays, every homeowner needs to look at options that both protect and enhance the value of their property.

Customization – Asphalt shingles come in a variety of styles and colors – making them one of the most widely distributed types of roofing. They can look like wood, cedar or slate and there is a huge choice of shingle styles, colors and textures.

Long Lifespan – The life expectancy of an asphalt roof goes from 24 to 30 years in general.

Recycling Options – Last but not least is recycling as a benefit that makes asphalt shingles eco-friendly and an option that stimulates industry growth. At the same time, the recycling options are what makes asphalt shingles generally affordable.

Asphalt: The Easiest Roofing Material Out There

In the end, asphalt roofing is a common choice for roofing contractors because it is considered to be the easiest of all standard roofing materials to apply. It adapts to your home, is strong and flexible and can be applied on a wide variety of roof styles.

Ready to install an asphalt roof in your home?
Look no further than Preferred Home Improvement. For more information contact us today and get a FREE estimate!